Wednesday, July 1, 2009

~* Wreck This Journal *~

~WEEK 4~

Hi again! Welcome to another week of Wrecking Maddess!! Actually, I didn't go too mad this week. I only had time to do 2 pages. So without further ado...

Tear Strips! RIP IT UP!!

This task was quite easy and a bit boring. I may go back at another time and add some color to the page or maybe do something interesting with those tears.

...And then I opened up to "Draw Lines using ABNORMAL writing utensils". I didn't draw lines, but I fell back into my old habits again. I drew a pretty picture with ABNORMAL utensils.The Birds are made with a Key and ink that is suppose to be used for Ceramic. The Clouds are made with a Spoon and Acrylic paint. The Flower Petals are done with the positive side of a battery and Acrylic paint. The Stem and Grass are done with a Pipe Cleaner and Acrylic Pant.

I did go back and draw the lines with each item and labled them (so I would remember, I am getting old ya know!).

Take a look at what others are doing over at The Next Chapter!


  1. Looks like a fun project! :)

    ~ Carolee

  2. Ooh I really like the drawing page (and yeah, you better write down what you did it with, lol! Then when you're REALLY old you can look back at what a crazy young whippersnapper you were, making art with spoons and batteries!)

  3. I just ripped the page too. Hmmm What to do to make it more fun? Hope you have a good week.

  4. What fun this project looks! Love the 'lines' that you put to paper with unusual utensils!

  5. Such painstaking work on the painting -- Thank you for sharing your pages!! WRECK ON

  6. I've seen these before, and I think it would be so fun to try it! :)

  7. What a fun book! I think you've got more creativity in your pinky finger than I do in my whole body when it comes to art & stuff like that! Happy SITS day to you!

  8. This looks like an iresting project:) I love using ripped pages in my scrapbooking.

  9. What a fascinating idea! And painting with batteries? You're very creative :)

  10. My mom's been doing Wreck This Journal for a few weeks now! She ordered one for me too, but I've only done a few pages so far. I'm having trouble following directions...I don't want to wreck my journal! LOL

    I love your abnormal utensils page, it looks great!

  11. cute project. im pretty sure im
    not that creative.

  12. What an interesting idea!

    Happy FB Day.

    B xx

  13. i wish i was half as creative as you are. painting with a spoon and a pipe cleaner? i'd never have thought of that in a million years!

  14. Wow, this sounds like a pretty neat project, I may just have to check it out. Thanks for sharing!

  15. That is a pretty unusual journal but it sure looks like fun. Congrats on your SITS day.

  16. How fun! I think I'd rather enjoy ripping up pages. :)

  17. I stopped by from SITS --love this fun project! I think destroying is often more fun than creating, in a weird way. Beautiful site!

  18. This is kinda fun!! Congrats on your SITS day!

  19. Great way to spark creativity!

  20. Happy SITS day!! Love your blog!

  21. how unique and different! Thanks for sharing yet another great idea. Hope your SITS Day was great!!! xo

  22. I've never heard about this before, but I have to admit - it sounds like a lot of fun and pretty cathartic too.

  23. You are such a talented woman! What a terrific idea! :-)

    Dropping by from SITS.

    ~ Sandy

  24. So fun!! My daughter would have a blast with this : )

  25. What a cool little project!!!

  26. How interesting!

    Again, congrats on your SITS feature!

  27. Stopping in from SITS, congrats on being FB.

    I like the drawing page. I love seeing others creativity :)

  28. What a fun way to keep a journal! I bet years from now your great grandchildren will have a very interesting view of you, but at least they will know you are creative! How fun.

  29. swinging in from SITS--and LOVING it!

  30. Happy fun to wreck a journal!

  31. What a fun idea. I may steal this from you. Maybe it would get me actually doing something, anything in a journal.

  32. Interesting.... and gave me a bunch of ideas of things to use to paint with! My preschooler will love it!

  33. I have that journal! And I LOVE it. It's so cathartic!

  34. I'm not sure what's going on. Why are you wrecking a journal? Who put the instructions in the journal telling you how to wreck it?

    Looks like a fun and interesting thing to do, though.

  35. Wow! That looks like a fun project!

  36. Very to go check out the link you shared...

  37. That is a pretty awesome picture - I never would have thought to use any of those materials to paint a picture!

    Happy Sits day! :)

  38. Love the picture made using abnormal utensils. Looks like you had fun.

  39. I have never heard of a 'wreck this journal'. Sounds fun!

    Happy SITS day!!

  40. Looks like fun! Thanks for sharing that with us!

  41. You are amazingly creative! It's great that you express your talent in such varied ways.

  42. happy SITS FB day, even though I'm late to the party...I love this I just need to know who to start one...I need to get my aggression out somehow...and this seems the perfect way...anyway...hope you have a blessed weekend

  43. Wish I was as creative! Have a niece who went & did a Masters at Pratt & she's full of talent too!

    Happy SITS Day!

  44. Looks like fun! I love open-ended projects, where you can be creative.

  45. Very cool. Happy SITS day!


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Artful Blessings!


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